The Monument in Historic Eastwood

Eastwood is an area rich in early Kentucky History

Following Indian attacks in 1781, the settlers abandoned Painted Stone Station which was located in present day Shelby County. They had hopes of finding shelter at one of the six stations along Beargrass Creek in Jefferson County. But Indians attacked them enroute near Long Run, killing 7 to 10 in what became known as the Long Run Massacre. The next day Colonel John Floyd led a small company of mounted militia to Long Run with the intention of punishing the Indians, but they were outnumbered and defeated with heavy losses.

The nearly one mile stretch of old U.S.60 (the Eastwood cutoff) follows the ridge and nearly the identical route of Boone’s old wagon road. It was along this stretch of old U.S.60 at the site of the present day Eastwood Cemetery that the defeat occurred.

Those of Floyd’s men who survived the first fire quickly charged on horse or on foot through the Indian lines, their only means of escape. Out of the twenty-seven men who rode out from Linn’s Station that morning, only ten escaped from the defeat. Seventeen were either killed or captured on the spot. Capt. A’Sturgis died somewhere between Floyd’s Fork and Linn’s as they retreated. Again the Beargrass Stations were shocked by the new horror story told by the survivors of Floyd’s defeat as they came in that morning.